Nagoya University T-GEx Fellow Dr. ICHIHARA Daisuke’s syringe that can inject drugs without a needle was featured in NIKKEI(Nihon Keizai Shimbun).
The research result of T-GEx Associate Dr. SHINTANI A. Seine, Chubu University, was published in “Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications”.
T-GEx Associate Dr. SHINTANI A. Seine, Chubu University, received the Aichi Prefecture Wakashachi Encouragement Award for Most Excellence.
T-GEx Fellow Dr. ICHIHARA Daisuke, Nagoya Univeresity, received the Excellence Award at the Aichi Prefecture Wakashachi Encouragement Award.
T-GEx Fellow Dr. Yuki Hattori (Nagoya University) received the Inoue Research Award from the Inoue Science Foundation.
A review paper by the research group of T-GEx fellow Dr. HEISHIMA Kazuki, Gifu University, has been published in “Frontiers in Oncology” online version.
T-GEx fellow Dr. HAYAKAWA Hisashi, Nagoya University, submitted a paper to “The Astrophysical Journal” that has had a major impact on the world, with over 80 news articles published overseas.
The research result of T-GEx Associate Dr. SHINTANI A. Seine, Chubu University, was published in ” Biophysics and Physicobiology “.
A paper by T-GEx Fellow Dr. ICHIHARA Daisuke, Nagoya University, was published in “AIP Advances” and selected as a Featured Article.
T-GEx Associate Dr. SHINTANI A. Seine, Chubu University, won the Evident Award at the corporate participation pitch contest co-sponsored by the Biophysical Society of Japan Annual Meeting.