ability to collaborate ability to promote research

PI development seminar ‘Management of a graduate science laboratory -The concept of laboratory management’(in Japanese)

In graduate school, the laboratory is the basic unit where research activities are conducted and research results are produced, and it is a very important issue for PIs and staffs to keep the laboratory running smoothly. In this seminar, we will discuss "what faculty members seem to misunderstand about student management" from the perspective of business administration, and through deepening our understanding of how to deal with such misunderstandings, we will increase our sensitivity to management issues (i.e., to realize, "Oh, this is a management issue! ) through (1) thinking about "what student management seems to misunderstand" and (2) deepening understanding of how to deal with them. We look forward to your participation.

Faculty of Business Administration, Chukyo University
Eugene Taniguchi

Date May 24 (Wednesday), 2024, 15:00 - 16:30
Venue Zoom meeting
Language Japanese
Target Although the main target audience is early career researchers (Assistant Professors, Specially-Appointed Assistant Professors, Senior Lecturer, Specially-Appointed Lecturers, Post-doctoral Fellows, etc.) of Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, faculty and staff are also welcome to participate.
T-GEx associates are also welcome to participate.

Deadline for registration: The day of the event.


Academic Research & Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, Nagoya University
KUMASAKA (PhD) jinzai-g-event@aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp