ability to discover issues sense of setting the future direction

PI development seminar ‘How to write a “press release” that catches the media’s attention -the structure that conveys the message and the mechanism that makes the article-’(in Japanese)

A press release is not a "summary" of a research paper.
The purpose of a press release is to provide a "story" to newspapers, TV stations, and other media outlets in order to gain opportunities to be featured in articles and TV programs. So, what kind of information do the media seek and what kind of information do they report?
The lecturer, a former newspaper reporter, will explain how to write articles that "catch the media's attention" while introducing the elements and conditions required to be reported and the actual conditions of the media industry.

Nagoya University Public Relations Division, General Affairs Department, Senior Administrative Specialist Mr. Tatsuyuki Fukui (Former Newspaper Reporter)

Request from the instructor:
During the seminar, there will be a brief work session on how to write a press release.
Please prepare an abstract summarizing the participant's own research, or PDF data of a release you have sent out in the past (releases by related parties are also acceptable) (optional). An abstract should consist of (1) a title, (2) key points of the research, and (3) a summary statement on one or two pages of A4 paper.

Date 2023 November 21 (Tuesday)  14:00-15:30
Venue Zoom webinar
Language Japanese
Target Although the main target audience is early career researchers (Assistant Professors, Specially-Appointed Assistant Professors, Senior Lecturer, Specially-Appointed Lecturers, Post-doctoral Fellows, etc.) of Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, faculty and staff are also welcome to participate.
T-GEx associates are also welcome to participate.

Deadline for registration: The day of the event


Academic Research & Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, Nagoya University
KUMASAKA (PhD) jinzai-g-event@aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp