The research results of T-GEx Associate Dr. SHINTANI A. Seine, College of Life and Health Sciences Chubu University, was published in "Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications".
A brief explanation of the results: We applied a new analysis method to sarcomeric oscillation, a phenomenon in which skeletal muscle sarcomeres repeatedly contract and relax autonomously. (Hall behavior) was discovered.
Summary of results: In this research, we applied a new analysis method to sarcomeric oscillation, a phenomenon in which skeletal muscle sarcomeres repeatedly contract and relax autonomously. We discovered multiple hole behaviors). We focused not only on sarcomeric oscillations, which are the contraction and relaxation of sarcomeres, but also on sarcosynced oscillations, which are the vibrations of the Z line that partitions sarcomeres, and analyzed the instantaneous vibrations of both waves. We calculated the amplitude and phase and investigated the wave characteristics. Through analysis of instantaneous amplitude and phase, we analyzed in detail the interaction between sarcosynced oscillations and sarcomeric oscillations during propagating wave progression and collision. The "SD holes" and "SC holes" discovered through this process are expected to become important indicators in understanding the efficient function and regulatory mechanisms of muscles.
Sarcomeric Defect Hole (SD hole): A temporary decrease in amplitude that occurs during waves propagating in one direction.
Sarcomeric Collision Hole (SC hole): A long-lasting amplitude drop observed when waves collide.
Explanation of the attached figure: Interaction between sarcomeric oscillations and Z-line vibrations that partition sarcomeres (sarcocinded oscillations) and their wave characteristics
A. Time-series data of vibrations of 31 consecutive Z-lines of skeletal muscle myofibrils in sarcomeric oscillation (sarcocined oscillation). B. Time series data of sarcomere length change oscillations (sarcomeric oscillations) of 30 consecutive nodes defined as the distance between the Z lines. C. Spatio-temporal distribution of instantaneous amplitude of sarcosynced oscillation. D. Spatiotemporal distribution of instantaneous amplitude of sarcomeric oscillations. E. Spatiotemporal distribution of instantaneous phase of sarcosynced oscillation. F. Spatiotemporal distribution of instantaneous phase of sarcomeric oscillation. G. Changes in the instantaneous amplitude and phase of the sarcosynced oscillation at 4 seconds in the figure. An SD hole is a concavity in instantaneous amplitude accompanied by a sudden jump in instantaneous phase that occurs at a distance of 25 μm. G. Changes in instantaneous amplitude and phase of sarcomeric oscillation at 4 seconds in the figure.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Hole behavior captured by analysis of instantaneous amplitude and phase of sarcosynced oscillations reveals wave
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News Release
筋肉のバネ振動の新たな解析法を開発し筋肉の波動特性を明らかに~波動の凹みの挙動という新たな評価指標を発見~ Click here for details (to external link)
Chubu University Click here for details (to external link)