Two projects were selected for the Seeds Joint Research Fund that we solicited in September last year, and the research was completed at the end of FY2021.
【Project Leader】 T-GEx Fellow Dr. ICHIHARA Daisuke Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Assistant Professor
【Collaborator】 T-GEx Fellow Dr. AZUMA Naoki Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Assistant Professor
T-GEx Associate Dr.CHIKAZAWA Miho Meijo University Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor
【Title of Research】Quantitative evaluation of microbe inactivation rate under shock compression
【Project Leader】 T-GEx Fellow Dr.MACHIDA Naoto Nagoya University Center for Gender Diversity Project Assistant Professor
【Collaborators】 T-GEx Associate Dr.TANAKA Hidenori Chubu University College of Humanities Associate Professor
【Title of Research】Understanding Multidimensional and International Realities of Transgender Individuals with Developmental Disorders