
FY2024 T-GEx International Symposium was held.

An international symposium hosted by the T-GEx Program and supported by the Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research(IAR) was held on Thursday, June 6th at Higashiyama Campus of Nagoya University. After an opening address by Vice President Dr. Yamanaka, the event was divided into three parts: two special lectures, a discussion with early career researchers, and an interdisciplinary networking event.Dr. Yi-Fang Tsay, Dr. Roger Goodman, and young researchers







 Vice President Dr. YAMANAKA Koji giving opening remarks



In a special lecture entitled "My scientific journey with transceptor CHL1 - The stories behind the science" by Dr. Yi-Fang Tsay (Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), she talked about the patience and tenacity he poured into identifying and analyzing a transceptor that is important for plant nitrogen nutrition, and said that cutting-edge research is dangerous but romantic.


In his special lecture entitled "Early Career Researchers and the University of Oxford" by Dr. Roger Goodman (University of Oxford) talked about how the major reforms implemented at the University of Oxford in the 2000s dramatically improved its research capabilities, and he also talked about the key points that young researchers should keep in mind in order to be successful internationally.


The discussion with Early Career Researchers was moderated by Dr. Matthew Paul SU, a T-GEx Fellow (YLC faculty member at the Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research(IAR)), and the two experienced professors offered advice to the young researchers on issues they frequently worry about, making for a very meaningful discussion.
Specifically, there was lively discussion about career advancement, such as obtaining a position, and the balance between the quantity and quality of papers.

At the Networking (interdisciplinary exchange meeting), T-GEx Fellow Dr. HEISHIMA Kazuki (G-YLC faculty member at Gifu University's Institute for Advanced Study(GUiAS)) and T-GEx Associate Dr. KUROKAWA Yusuke (Assistant Professor at Meijo University) served as both planner and moderator on the day. In front of the self-introduction sheets of T-GEx young researchers, YLC faculty members, and emergent researchers that were on display, lively exchanges were held between people from Nagoya University, Gifu University, other universities, and companies, and this later led to joint research between university and company.

The International Symposium was successfully concluded with closing remarks by Dr. AWAGA Kunio, Director of Nagoya University Institute for Advanced Research(IAR).


(Left) T-GEx Fellow Dr. SU Matthew Paul (YLC faculty member, Nagoya University IAR) moderating Discussion with ECRs

(Center) T-GEx Fellow Dr. HEISHIMA Kazuki (G-YLC Faculty, Gifu University GUiAS) moderating Networking

(Right) T-GEx Associate Dr. KUROKAWA Yusuke (Meijo University), moderator of Networking